
Product Specific Training and Suitability Training Requirement Information

The 2020 NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) Model Regulation requires producers to complete a one-time 4-hour training course approved by the department of insurance as well as a carrier-provided product specific training before recommending a carrier’s products to a consumer.

Both the 4-hour training course requirement and the product specific training course requirement can be satisfied by visiting Reliance Standard's Product Codes are:

  • RSL_PSTCOURSE_01 (for Apollo, Eleos, and Keystone Products.)
  • RSLI_PST_02 (for Reliance Guarantee.)
  • RSLI_PST_03 (for Reliance Accumulator.)
To determine if your state has enacted the new Model Regulation, review the most recent bulletin regarding Product Specific Training & Suitability Requirements.